Comments (7)
This is really cool
I like them all
the last game is the same fate as fleeing the complex 2, but both aren't 'inappropriate'
Clone Firefight 1
Clone Firefight 2
SWDC Ver.0.1.0
The first version of SWDC, built in the original D7 engine.
SWDC Ver.0.2.0
The B7 version of SWDC.
SWDC Ver.0.3.0
The D7 Advanced Build of SWDC (before the d7a overhaul).
SWDC Ver.5.4
The last version of SWDC before the move to Godot.
Halo 3 ODST Magnum
Left-click to shoot, R to reload (no animation), Z to use the scope.
SCP: Secret Lab Weapons
Left-click to shoot, R to reload (pistol has no animation), Z to ads, number keys to switch weapons.
Half-life Glock
Left-click to shoot, R to reload.
Pixel Gun 3d Pistol
Left-click to shoot, R to "reload" (ammo resets but there's no animation)
Halo Reach Magnum
This is one of my projects that were taken down by the scratch moderation team on my alt scratch account.
Left-click to shoot, R to reload, F to melee, and Z to scope in and out.
Pixel Gun 3d [made in the b7 engine]
This is an old pixel gun 3d project I was making in the b7 engine by @Eliptika.
Pokemon Land and Sky Battle Demo
This is a battle demo for my old Pokemon Fan game "Pokemon Land and Sky". It was made in my Battle'mon engine:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/353044079
Silenced Battle Rifle
This is a battle rifle made for the remake of Halo ODST Left Behind.
Baldi's Field Trip
This is a project recreating the Field Trip demo for Baldi's Basics. Not much you can actually do in this build though.
5.6 USG
This is the 5.6 USG from Rainbow Six Siege.
Left-click to shoot,
Z for ads,
R to reload,
Halo 5 Boltshot
This is the Boltshot from the game Halo 5.
Left-click to shoot,
R to reload,
Halo 2 Battle rifle
This is was my first Halo weapon made on scratch, the battle rifle from Halo 2.
Left-click to shoot,
R to reload,
Halo Reach Skirmisher
This is a Skirmisher model I made that was intended to be used in my D7 Halo Reach Firefight project.
Space and 1 to play the two animations.
Halo 5 Saw
This is the Saw from Halo 4 and 5. Though this is based off of the version seen in Halo 5.
Space to shoot and R to reload.
D7 Elite Halo 3 ODST Multiplayer
I have no idea if the multiplayer actually works.
D7 Advance Halo Reach Firefight
This was my attempt to remake the Firefight mode from Halo Reach. Only the magnum really works.
Untitled Sci-fi FPS Game
Like the previous sci-fi fps game. This game was made to test an earlier version of the Shockwave 2 engine. This game has less in it than the previous sci-fi game. But unlike the last game, this one has original music made by @EbagGames.
A Sci-fi game
This is a science fiction first-person shooter that was made simply to test out the (at the time) new D7 Evolved engine. It has three easter eggs you can find in-game, but there's not much else in this game.
Rock Raiders: Operation Cyro
This is an old remaster of a Rock Raider game on scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/3296992/
Super Mario Blueprint World Prototype
The is the prototype that started the Super Mario Blueprint World project.
D7 Halo CE
This is Halo CE recreated in the original D7 engine. This was released on my main scratch account and then taken down for updates and re-uploaded on my scratch test account only to be taken down by the scratch team for being "inappropriate". Now it finally has a home here on Gamejolt.
Throughout the years I've made many game prototypes and demos, but they've mostly been lost to time. A few people have played or at least seen these but not too many.
Here is where all those "lost" games will be posted for the public.
#fangame #action #adventure #rpg #arcade #platformer #retro #scifi #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #shooter #strategy #other
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans