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Unfinished Hackathon Version
This was an unfinished version of the game that was submitted for a hackathon. It may contain bugs that were not yet noticed.
"Elementurrets: The Demo-lition" is a tower-defense game with a twist. The player will be in control of a single turret in the center of the playing field with 4 kinds of ammunition available for use against four kinds of enemies. The ammunition and the enemies are based on the four elements of nature: Earth, Fire, Water, & Air. The player must be careful with what ammunition they use on each enemy, as one kind of ammunition may harm a certain enemy greatly or have no effect at all. The twist here is that, if you use the ammunition that matches the enemy's element, you could do the opposite of what you want and make the enemy stronger and more difficult to defeat.
This game was made for a local hackathon.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans