Comments (21)
How nice. Basically the prime example of a simple game that received excellent ratings. Honestly, I don't see what's so excellent here. (Just joking. I know they're being sarcastic.) But seriously, I am starting to get the comedic effect here. My sense of humor is very wry, so I may not have enjoyed this as much as some other people, but my opinion alone doesn't really matter. Good work, I guess. (lol) 3/5
Epic game! Just did a lets play of it!
Really good game. Enjoyed it a lot. I was late to the meeting though. Disappointing really :(
Very intense and difficult though.
Nice game 5 of 5!
I love how intense this game is, had me at the edge of my seat during the whole thing, 10/10
Elevator Simulator 2013
my first "ever" game, made in love2d in 2 hours from no knowledge of the engine whatsoever. enjoy i guess ^^
if you lose at the very start, just reset it
thanks x3