
Comments (5)

What do you think?

cant wait to play this game and have the crap scared out of me

Mantion or Mansion? o.O

Heyo, its OakLand peer. Looks like an awesome game man. I'd love to do a playthrough whenever it is completed.

looks good

It seems it could be really nice, but it looks a little too dark...

What would you do if you wake up in a house that is not your ow, but your childhood's and something strange is going on there and now is your time get out of there and go home. . . IF YOU CAN

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Good and Bad news

Development (Emily'S Mantion)

The game is an FPS still in the works and using the new Terror Engine it will be more easy and faster to make.

the game is looks nice and its story is short but horrorfing.

More content coming soon