Comments (7)
The most original game ever that I have never seen before in anything at all.
Cool graphics! Fun gameplay!
Awesome :D!
Wow, this game is awesome! Love the random map generation and graphics. You should add the score to the game over screen. Otherwise, good job! 5/5 :D
Great game!!!!
Buen juego, he atravesado alguna valla que otra pero me ha gustado bastante
Endless Runner
Nuevo juego de Dracostudios en un juego infinito en 3d el juego esta ambientado un bosque y el personaje con el coche de policia que le viene detras el juego contiene varios ajustes y tienda para comprar otros personajes o varios powers como iman que atrae los diamantes y el fantasma que te hace inmune a los obstaculos.
New game Dracostudios an infinity the game is 3d game set in a forest and the character with the police car that comes behind the game contains various settings and store to purchase other characters or various powers as a magnet that attracts the diamonds and the ghost that makes you immune to obstacles.