
Est vs. Chara - OPEN SOURCE
1.2.4 / Finally open Source
With 1.2.4 Est vs. Chara becomes an open source project.
To understand why, please consider reading the description of the original
Est vs. Chara.
The old project:
To play or edit the game, you have to download Scratch 1.4 or 2 .
Added the /kp command
Added the /display command
Added the /print command
Re-created the text-engine.
About the game
This is an Undertale-fangame I made for Est Miyamae, and I think I'll update it in the future and add/patch some stuff.
I made this in about 5 hours in Scratch 1.4, a simple development platform which already is a bit out of date, but hey, I still like it the most. ^-^
In the game you're Est fighting Chara.
Other than in the original game, YOU HAVE TO KILL.
Hope you enjoy x3
(The rights of some sprites and the music go to Toby Fox!)
Version Entries from old project
Version 1.2.2
Added the Development Console
Added more music from Undertale
Some Bugfixes
~The Development Console can be opened by pressing "t"
Lets you edit any variable of the game./music
Lets you choose a track you want to play.Variable & ID List
Music IDs
(Note: You can type in the text version too!)
1 | hopesanddreams
2 | temmievillage
3 | temshop
4 | spiderdance
5 |deathbyglamour
6 | songthatmightplaywhenyoufightsans
7 | asgore
8 | final
9 | histheme
10 | lastgoodbye
11 | megalovania
( ^ Selects a random track)
( ^ Turns on the music)
( ^ Turns off the music)
--> Lets you edit any variable of the game.
--> Displays a testmessage
--> Opens the HP-Editor
--> Select a music-track
--> Starts the ending-sequence
--> Lets you mess with the new text-engine by typing in a new message
--> Re-writes the current message
--> Lets you change the background textures