
Extraterrestrial Runner II: Flashback

Background Lore (version 1.2)
For thousands of years, the Zodans were the heart of the galaxy... All until the Null attacked. The Null used a machine used to destroy many worlds against the Zodan Capital and all its controlled planets... The machine was one like no other, powered by particles faster than the speed of light - Tachyons. Now with the Zodens gone, it is YOUR duty to conjour the remaining tachyon particles and travel through time and space to save the Zoden race...
Welcome to Extraterrestrial Runner II: Flashback! Like it's predecessor, it's an endless runner which requires the player to run for as far as they can. In the future, the player will be required to reach a specific high score which will automatically unlock the next level and stage in the (future, better) story.