
Euphoricna (Level 1 Demo) HTML Version
Euphoricna (Level 1 Demo) Windows Version
Euphoricna (Level 1 Demo) MacOS Version
Euphoricna (Level 1 Demo) Linux 64-Bit Version
Euphoricna (Level 1 Demo) Scratch project file for modding if u want it
Game Soundtrack
The first level in a game that took 1 WHOLE YEAR to finish level 1.
This game is still in development as this is the first level so don't be surprised if there are glitches and bugs that need fixing.
Spacebar, W key, or Up arrow key to jump
Click on objects to interact like entering a level.
X key, Z key, left mouse click or 2 key to shoot your gun (You can only shoot one bullet until the bullet you previously shot is gone).
X key, Z key, left mouse click or 1 key to throw your sword, (You can only throw one sword until the sword you previously threw is gone).
To enable the crosshair you need to press the P key when using a weapon.
L3 or Dpad to move
R3 to use your mouse/cursor (you need to aim your cursor/mouse when interacting with something or using a weapon)
LB, LT, RB or RT to click something or interact with objects (reminder again you need to aim your cursor/mouse when interacting with something or using a weapon)
A or B to jump
LB, LT, RB, RT or Y to shoot your gun/throw your sword.
Main Menu Music: Magical Train by tincant
Level Music by: DaTrueMeme/AlexDM (@DaTrueAlexDMÂ on YouTube).
Animations, art, code, by: JohnjjAS/John A-S (@johna-sofficialytchannel on YouTube).
Victory song: 8-Bit Bustin' by milkypossum on newgrounds.
Grab some swag Euphoricna merch!
Watch the teaser trailer!
Listen to the soundtrack!
Version 2.5 Updates and Patches:
Added a Main menu
Added a Main Menu Button Shortcut in Level 1
Removed E button interaction.
Copyright Mail Myth Games 2024 (Do not steal/reupload our content without adding transformative value, without our permission via messaing us on newgrounds, or commenting on our videos on YouTube and Newgrounds, or without giving credit.