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The Everything Else Collection

Version: 0.1.0almost 6 years ago

Last year for the 10th Anniversary of my Missileman character, I released the Missileman 10th Anniversary Package. This year, we now have everything else!

The Everything Else Collection is a massive archive of nearly every single non-Missileman game I've ever created, ranging from when I've just been getting my bearings in elementary school to finally being able to create fully-fledged video games and release them on storefronts.

Not counting files left editable and uncompiled, there are over 147 playable games in this zip folder. While the majority of them have been publicly released, you can also find plenty of games that have never seen the light of day; some are even test builds or remained unfinished.

Whatever the case may be, there sure is a lot to play around with and discover!

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans
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