
Cool Extra Songs! (FNF) (Old/0.5.0)
Cool Extra Songs! (FNF)
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Dadbattle (Tankman Mix) - by Kawai Monster
- 2.Darnell Erect - by Funkin Sound Project
- 3.M.I.L.F (Pico Mix) - by Funkin Sound Project
- 4.Senpai (Pico Mix) - by Kawai Monster
- 5.Lit Up (BF Mix) - by kit
- 6.2Hot (BF Mix) - by kit
- 7.Roses (Pico Mix) - by Funkin Sound Project
- 8.Thorns (Pico Mix) - by geo's music corner
- 9.Satin Panties (Pico Mix) - Funkin Sound Project
Basically, this is a Mod that one add 9 new songs to Friday Night Funkin'.
MediaFire Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1d0rm9s012gbwxt/fnf_cool_extra_songs_1.0.0.zip/file
Gamebanana Page: https://gamebanana.com/mods/556767
I've make everything alone on this shit
Sorry if this Mod it's buggy, it's my first Mod. (If you found a bug, report in comentary.)
When you play Week 6 Pico Mix, restart after every song, if it broke.
Engine is: P-Slice - by Mikolka9144
Songs Credits:
Dadbattle (Tankman Mix) - by Kawai Monster
Darnell Erect - by Funkin' Sound Project
M.I.L.F (Pico Mix) - by Funkin' Sound Project
Senpai (Pico Mix) - by Kawai Monster
Lit Up (BF Mix) - by kit
2Hot (BF Mix) - by kit
Roses (Pico Mix) - by Funkin Sound Project
Thorns (Pico Mix) - geo's music corner
Satin Panties (Pico Mix) - Funkin Sound Project
I really want to ALL FNF SOUNDS (A YouTube channel) play this mod.
Gamebanana Page: https://gamebanana.com/mods/556767
#fangame #fnf #altgame #other #fridaynightfunkin #cool #extra #songs #hashtag #tag #adventure #action #rythm #game #rythmgame #friday #night #funkin