Comments (2)
it whoud need some basic Ai players so you choud have some fun with a full fight team. Otherwise a nice idea to give the points to those closer to the point spawn, but making getting points dangeras so no one can stay at the top all time
Really simple but well made game. I wish that more bubbles popped up though! I included it in my MultiJam Ultra 2015 compilation video series :) http://youtu.be/Q2Kq0iKKh0k
Fairy Fight Arena
This game was developed in 48 hours for #MultijamUltra2015
I wanted to see how many players I could get using a single keyboard. I might have been able to have more players but ran I out of colours to assign.
There are three inputs - Left, Slam, and Right.
Each Player will drift upwards slowly.
Collect Points that move from the bottom of the screen.
Slam on top of Players for them to lose their Points.
Slammed Players without points are eliminated.
Wind pushes Players left and right
Touching the sides of the screen eliminates the Player
Collect five Points or be the final Player to Win.
Developed by Peter Kirk
Blog: project-blog-or-something.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @PeterKirkGames