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Fazbear Isles is a time-based 2D pixelated RPG game heavily influenced by the critically (and mostly negatively) acclaimed official Five Nights at Freddy's Spin-Off game FNaF World!
This game aims to be THE FNaF World for not only people who loved the original game, but also for people who hated it! It takes (mostly) all criticism from the original, whether it be toning down or adding mechanics to make the gameplay and feel simple, unchaotic, but still complex!
This game takes the most familiar aspects of FNaF World and expands on them TEN FOLD with new mechanics like Overlords or Fused Enemies. It even takes old mechanics and changes them in a way that makes them VERY impactful like Revamped Chips or Bytes!
Collect up to 20 All-Unique Fighters, 10 Playstyle-Widening Chips and 6 Deadly-Yet-Cute Bytes throughout 2 medium sized Isles in the game's first version, coming September 2023!
Freddy and crew return from a long trip in the mountains back to their home: Fazbear Isles, but things have gone awry ever since they left. Something sinister and powerful has taken over the islands and it's up to them to stop the terror!
The powerful force that looms over the land is named The Tinkerer. His motivations are unknown, but he's made most locals work for him in an instant. He must've gave them MAD money!.. or have they joined against their will?
Recruit dozens of Fighters from various FNaF games! The further you go down the roster, the wackier their mechanics get! (Same applies for Bytes and Chips)
Simple early game, complex end game
Tough and unique enemies and bosses!
Bytes and Chips return in new ways!
Less chaotic, more pleasant to the eyes!
Crystal clean and fun balance
Great replay value!
Nultera: everything. and i mean E V E R Y T H I N G
#fnaf #fangame #fnafworld #fazbearisles #rpg #strategy #adventure
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans