Comments (75)
What are the answers to Peaches questions
how do you get bum rush?
In my opinion there should be an archive of all of the OG versions of these games just in case people want to play them (for whatever reason)
lmao you can restore the entire parties hp and mp outside of battle with the cauterize skill without any items
Mario refuses to join my party in the newest version

F*** Nights at Wario's 2
The parody of a parody comes back to ripoff more successful creators, yippee.
This game features:
Wario's shrinking patience
Mario's failing marriage
Toad's crippling drug addiction
Bowser's incel fantasies
Video games killing people
Fighting god
Demon Wario (wait he's not in fnaw2 wtf bad game)
Where are the actual WarioWare characters i stg
Bring a bucket and a stress ball, there will be no fun had in here.