
Comments (47)

What do you think?

После прохождения у меня появился аутизм

42 полуголых мальчика из 100

Easy Mode: No-Hitted
Normal Mode: Beaten(No-Hittable)
Hard Mode: ...Impossible to no-hit.

The hard mode knife gap on the side is impossible to react to. Sure, its dodgeable, but you have to dodge beforehand and since its not in a pattern, you could get hit if its the vertical knife gap instead.

And on top of that, the OW section is very difficult to move around. But, overall, the music and dialogue is good.

The writing from what i've seen is ok.

Overall, I think it's just that knife gap attack tbh as well as the overworld that I feel needs reworking but everything else is amazing.

42 раза я здох братуха

Гра зроблена чудово, але дуже складна, я на легкому рівні складності не можу пройти, хоча в тому ж Елдер рінге я пройшов фінального боса длс НОЖОМ, і це було легше ніж це xD

P.S: Я зміг пройти легкий та нормальний рівень складності, правда складнощів це просто... Взагалі якщо тут не буде ще одного "p.s" значить мене вже немає в живих із цієї складності

Really good game, those attacks fit very well with the soundtrack and they're cool overall
Thanks for positive emotions!

Better than Cryp(ipasta), for real)


Facing Demons: Chara's Altruism

Version: 1.0.24 days ago

(Mobile) Facing Demons: Chara's Altruism

Version: 1.0.14 days ago
For androids

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Facing Demons: Chara's Altruism is a glamorous fan-game based on Facing Demons. The events take place in an alternate timeline of this universe.

Chara is tired of seeing constant genocides, causing her to decide it's worth it to put an end to it and change at least something in our time-honored scenario... She decided to help Asriel in the battle. Yeah, really in Snowdin...

The game supports 3 languages (Russian, English, Chinese), 3 difficulties (easy, normal, hard), 1 hp mode, and she's even interested in your mood, darling!~.

Enjoy the game =)


#undertale #fangame #facing_demons #facing_demons_charas_altruism #charas_altruism #undertale_altruism #chara #storyshift #undertale_fangame #undertale_chara #storyshift_chara_fight #may #fd_ca #platformer #survival_fight #adventure #puzzle #bullethell #bullet_hell #survival #undertale_survival_fight #undertale_battle


Patch 1.0.1 for Androids is out! Updates:
- New control type (check screens below);
- Bug fixes;
- All fixes from the version 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 on PC (you can read about these changes in other posts on the page).

Have a good game! :D

Patch 1.0.2 is out. Updates:

- All knife hitboxes have been changed;

- Second attack has become easier.

Thank you all for your comments, downloads and likes!

Я выпустил патч 1.0.1. В нём было:
1. Добавлена возможность замедляться на Х
2. Возможность сразу пропускать диалог с Бугги и Меттой при повторном заходе в игру
3. Фикс коллизий у ваншот атаки Чары
4. Убрана доп. звезда на лёгкой сложности в оверворлде