
Comments (14)

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fajna gra bratku, gdzieś już ją widziałem...

Kiedy pelna wejsa bratku bo juz huj mnie swedzi na sama mysl o tym projekcie

If this game is good leave comment please :) <3



Version: 0.0.3about 1 year ago
System requirements: RAM: 4 GB, GPU VRAM: 4GB, CPU: i3-4170 or AMD Ryzen 3 4100, Windows 7 or higher.


Version: 0.0.3about 1 year ago
System requirements: RAM: 4 GB, GPU VRAM: 4GB, CPU: i3-4170 or AMD Ryzen 3 4100, Windows 7 or higher.



Immerse yourself in the dark world of FEARWAY, where your sole objective is survival. Inspired by P.T., you navigate from door to door down an endless corridor, never knowing what lies around the next bend. Your tools? Your legs and a night vision goggle. Use the W, A, S, D keys to move around the corridor and V to activate your night vision. But beware, FEARWAY is a game full of surprises and fear. Are you ready to confront your own fears?


Zanurz się w mroczny świat FEARWAY, gdzie twoim jedynym celem jest przetrwanie. W tej grze inspirowanej P.T., przechodzisz od drzwi do drzwi po nieskończonym korytarzu, nigdy nie wiedząc, co czeka za kolejnym zakrętem. Twoje narzędzia? Twoje nogi i noktowizor. Użyj klawiszy W, A, S, D, aby poruszać się po korytarzu i V, aby włączyć noktowizor. Ale uważaj, FEARWAY to gra pełna niespodzianek i strachu. Czy jesteś gotowy, aby stanąć twarzą w twarz z własnymi lękami? #horror #action


🎮 FEARWAY Game Update

We're thrilled to announce the latest update for FEARWAY, packed with exciting new features and improvements! In this release, players can expect enhanced monster behavior, a plethora of new easter eggs to discover, comprehensive bug fixes, and much more.

👾 Monster Behavior Upgrade: Experience a more dynamic and challenging gameplay as the monsters in FEARWAY showcase improved AI and unpredictable actions. Brace yourself for a heightened sense of fear and suspense!

🥚 More Easter Eggs: For the avid explorers and curious minds, we've scattered even more easter eggs throughout the game. Unravel hidden secrets and unlock additional layers to the FEARWAY universe. Will you find them all?

🔧 Bug-Fix Bonanza: Say goodbye to those pesky bugs! Our development team has been hard at work addressing reported issues and fine-tuning the game for a smoother, more immersive experience. Your feedback matters, and we've listened!

🌟 And Much More: Beyond the headline features, this update brings a host of additional tweaks, optimizations, and surprises. Dive back into the FEARWAY universe and discover the multitude of improvements waiting for you.

Update your game now and prepare for an adrenaline-pumping journey through FEARWAY like never before! Thank you for your continued support, and we can't wait to hear your thoughts on the latest enhancements.

Happy gaming!

Mild Cartoon Violence

🎮 FEARWAY Game Update


We're thrilled to announce the latest update FEARWAY, packed with exciting new features and improvements! In this release, players can expect enhanced monster behavior, comprehensive bug fixes.