Funtime Freddy's House 2 - Scrapped Up
Funtime Freddy's House 2 - Scrapped Up ANDROID

Funtime Freddy's House 2 - Scrapped Up
Second Episode
The alley way is a place where all the animatronics have been but Molten Freddy has escaped the alley way. Where is he now? At your house again, try and survive his strikes and shock at the right time you'll need to be cautious and look at your tablet to fix your breaking down house. Will you be able to defend your self against Freddy for the last time or will it be your first time.
This game is in the making and will take some mending to complete, I will update you guys with what's happening with the game and tell you how the graphics are doing. Right now I am trying to find the best suitable graphics I can run for this game, once the testing is complete I will find a good and stable working game. Thank you guys for the appreciation for the last Funtime Freddy's House, as of making this description it is Thursday 15th March 2018, the views are 842, and downloads are 108. Thanks for the overall support and hopefully the game is going to be great!
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed