
Comments (15)

What do you think?

Were we supposed to be a specific person? I don't understand, It was really pretty but .... what? could someone explain it to me?

Hello! Hi! I played the game and I liked it a lot! I've made a short let's play, it's right here if you want to check it out x)

Hello there!
We played your game on our channel in a part of a compilation video. Your game starts at 6:26. Great job!

Me encanta la idea como concepto, aunque es una pena que la decisiones no resuelvan nada al final.
La estética es minimalista, simple pero preciosa.

Espero que podáis continuar esta idea u otra similar y tengamos una aventura trascendental de al menos un par de horas.

This was surpurbly made!! I absolutely loved every second, and the atmosphere was out of this world cool! Here's a let's play!



Version: 1.0.0about 9 years ago

Fidelio it's an experimental game about a temple hidden in the ends of the universe. People goes there to be forgiven for their most disgusting sins... What will be your sentence?

This project was made for the Global Game Jam 2016.


Román Baos Muñiz
Daniel García Ramírez
Adrián Moreno Navarro (@adriwicked)
Hugo Ruiz Quintana (@toterain )
Juan de la Torre Torrescusa (@hyodelatorre )

Strong Language
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