Comments (14)
idk where met is,I try to talk to him, but he log out Skype, bro, it's getting difficult; -;,(Is it easier to cancel?)
The game isn't cancelled is it?
looks good but......hey what it died?!
Nice man gonna follow it and rate it 5 :)
cool man ill follow and rate
Nesse game,você terá de sobreviver 5 noites em um shopping,com Denky e Dacy,seu objetivo e ficar vivo até 6 Am. QUALQUER BUG QUANDO LANÇAR,AVISE! o dono do local não sabia se os animatronicos estavam funcionando, então decidiu guardar os dois para as crianças nao ter medo, e so colocar eles la quando estiver de noite,e resolveu contratar um guarda para ficar ''cinco'' noites lá para ver se esta tudo bem creditos de modelador:metdigtplays#fnaf===================================================================
In this game, you have to survive 5 nights in a mall with Denky and Dacy , your goal and stay alive until 6 am . ANY BUG WHEN LAUNCH , TELL ! the owner of the site does not know if the animatronics were working, so decided to keep both for children not to be afraid, and so put them it when night , and decided to hire a guard to stay '' five '' nights there to see if it's alright