
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Why, hello there! Can I be a beta tester?
Age: 16
Programming?: Nope.
Test. skills? : Yup, alot.
Name: Frederik
E-mail: [email protected]
Please contact me with E-mail, it's better to do so.

Guys my old post was deleted



Five nights at draddys coming soon

There is one place called draddys family dinner

people love it to find out why play the game when its realved to the public

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Bad news and good news

The bad news is i lost the game file however if i cant get the file back i will recreate the game

3D Models!

im starting to do 3d models with google sketchup pro i took me a bit to get ussed to it

Get trolled

The hacked game is a troll its not hacked!

Game stopped (not really)

*Yes its true i was hacked someone realased it on mediafire here is the link*


*However if i can take it down i can work on the game.*

Message to mmf2/cf2.5 experts

so i am remaking the the camera system now i pull it up it works pull it down and try again to pull it up but it dosent work