Comments (214)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIfoTWyFJ_w&feature=youtu.be this is a sad reaction video on this subject
Dear Khole,
I LOVE this game so much! I beat it within 7 hours non-stop, and I put effort into getting ALL the animatronics! Even the hidden ones! Great game, and hope you make The Walking Dong as awesome as this one!
I had genuinely no idea you pinned my gameplay to your description, that makes me mad happy :)
how do i get whithered freddy?
Alright, it's time for the review I promised a few days back!
So where do I even begin with a game I enjoyed not only a great deal, but also more then any other FNaFB-Inspired RPG I played so far?
Let's keep it simple and start with what I disliked, because that's a lot less compared to what I do like.
Honestly there was nothing I absolutely got annoyed by. I wanted to mention that there was an inactive blimp fast travel system until I discovered you "unlock" that by reaching Icanus Village for the first time.
Now I'll just list the personal issues or things I wanted to see more of I had while playing the game for your convenience, as it's easier to read then a wall of text :
Withered Freddy sometimes talks in a cutscene even if you don't have him in your part;
Even if you've done the missing kid quest, the kid still shows up as if you never completed said quest in Death Forest;
After I've done everything I could do safe from beating the final boss, I'm disappointed I can't get through the final gate. Surely I can't be the only one with this issue, now can I?
The ending, while good, could have been improved on. What I mean with that is that when you beat the final boss, the old counselor comes in and gives you a choice to go back or stay there. Since Toy Freddy made it clear through the entire game he wanted to go back, I chose that of course but I went through the effort of beating the last two bosses again in order to pick "stay here" and see what would happen. Alas doing so basically delays the ending you get for picking the "go back" option and I felt like you could have added in an alternate ending if one had chosen to stay;
G. Freddy and the Puppet, while they both have good skills, are pretty weak near the end of the game once everybody else has their ulimate weapon, which sucks considering how engaging their recruitment process was. They too could have had an Ultimate Weapon (Yolo Yiffer or Final F*ck Fingers maybe?) too to be as strong as the rest of the team but as it is now, they can only do 350 damage average with a normal attack while the rest can do 500-3000+ depending on if you use a normal attack or special skill;
Speaking of the G. Freddy and Puppet recruitment quest, it's a bit disappointing there was no boss battle against them. If only because "they want to see if you're worth having them in your party", it would have been the final satisfying challenge to finish their respective quests;
If I recall correctly, it's never really explained how T. Freddy and co ended up in the world the game takes place in. Maybe something you can expand on with future DLC/Installments? Or just explain it in the game description?
While I very much like the Steve (that's his name right?) the Immortal pseudo-final boss fight in Icanus City, since it was such a surprise, I'm also a bit disappointed he's literally a carbon copy of the actual final boss, complete with "wait until you unlock Toy Freddy's Fazbear Fright limit break, get enough TP and then auto-kill the boss considering how OP it is". The only difference (thank god there is a difference) is that Steve has no enemies accompanying him and can attack twice a turn as opposed to the final dragon's party and ability to hit four times a turn;
Speaking of Fazbear Fright, would it have really broken the game in terms of enjoyment and difficulty if that limit break wasn't exclusive to those two fights?
To add to that, does that skill do less damage the more party members are KO (since it says Toy Freddy and the REST OF THE ANIMATRONICS rek the enemy) or doesn't it make a difference?
Finally I absolutely LOVED the short interactions you had with Toy Freddy in the beginning of the game and it's actually what made me chuckle the most. Sadly I feel like having thrown that concept out of the window as soon as you beat the Enraged Ogre takes away a lot of the fun potential this game could have had. Not requesting those interactions should be through the entire game but if they would have occured during specific keypoints in the game, that would be nice.
Why make it so you can already beat the Ice Fairy in Icy Paths interior to collect the dust for a quest in Icanus Village even if you haven't reached that place yet for the first time, but not do the same for the keg of ale quest in which I'm sure the keg doesn't even spawn yet before you accept that quest by reaching the village and going to the pub?
During the transition to the Dragon's Keep, I noticed the birds have shadows reflected in the sky and that a second Mangle sprite seems to be stuck in Toy Freddy;
That's about all the things I could provide feedback on, all the rest below is a list of things I liked a lot :
Toy Freddy being a dick to his party members and non FNAF-related NPC's and seeing how they react to his attitude;
The engaging Golden Freddy and Puppet recruitment quests;
The sidequests;
The Withered animatronics recruitment quests;
The Withered animatronics actually having more dialogue then they do in the Fuckboy's series;
The awesome music, special mention goes to Agathela Village, Agathela Harbor, Icy Paths and Icanus Village;
The fact you included a "you cannot go back if you go through this door" warning before facing the final dragon;
The fact you included an opportunity to shop before commencing the boss rush;
The awesome small limit break you get for Toy Freddy for beating Springtrap, and how faitful the execution of said move is to FNAF3;
That girl in Agathela village (with the Withered Foxy room) having a whip for "personal use" and Toy Freddy's reaction to it;
The unique skills added to the animatronic's their classic skill set;
The fast travel blimp system and boat system (in Death Forest);
The tons of chests to find. Granted none of them were hidden too well and they all had regular loot instead of having some with unique items, but still, there's a certain satisfaction from opening them, wondering what's inside;
The biggest highlight of the game for me : Withered Foxy's fifteen minutes of ame with the Captain Foxy Boss Battle, especially since it's unexpected and a 1 on 1 fight.
That's all I can think of right now. As always if I come up with more, I shall add more but let me tell you this, this first game is VERY good despite how amateurish it is according to you in the game description.
Five Nights at F***boy's: The Spinoff Shitfest
While the game has listed achievements/trophies they may not be in the game yet! The game will be updated from time to time to add these in!!
The fan game for the fan game!
Join us as Toy Freddy and CO. rek the traditional rpg game on their quest to get back to Freddy F***boy's Pizza!
With two bonus hidden recruitable characters, side quests, boss rush, and many more features, this game tries its best to be amatuer but still playable!
FNAFB: Spinoff Shitfest is my very first rpgmaker game, and in short, quite a bit amatuer.
The game's voice acting is very off so the animatronics dont quite sound right, and the credits are sparse at the moment, but I hope you all enjoy anyway.
Bug fixes and updates will come when possible, but for now, the whole game is playable to the end.
All feedback and criticism is appreciated, and feel free to report bugs and the like!
Thanks for playing!
FAQ (Will update)
Q: How Do I get W. Freddy? A: You need the Voice Box Upgrade found in Athela. Keep looking!
Watch the gameplay by Dubious Dick Gaming here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LU7g3DRT1E
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor