
Comments (58)

What do you think?

Thankfully beating the game on Critical gave both the Critical and Proud trophy, just like FNAFB3 did. I hate when people add those options and you have to do every single game mode...
Anyway, I'll test if the puppets and last two secret boss trophies work maybe by tomorrow and the poster honking.

f*ck, cant play it

I will do a small review of sorts once i fully beat the game but what is the deal with the room the puppet is in? When i picked up the vacuum part when i only had p.bonnie on my team swagtrap decided to basically end the game, credits etc.
Later when i had all other party members and picked up the vacuum part last, everything went fine so i though it was a weird joke or something to prevent people from getting p.freddy before p.chica and p.foxy BUT i have no idea what triggers it, though i sometimes still get the cutscene with the credits when i randomly run in this room after defeating an enemy.

Only 9 vacuum parts spawn, or I can't find all 10, leading to Phantom Freddy being impossible to fight or obtain.
The Future and Past puppet don't have any way to trigger them.
"Swag Armageddon" final boss battle ability does absolutely nothing even when pressing Q, W, and A.
Beating the game results in proper credits, then a black screen after a "night start" sound effect while the ambiance continues (was expecting an Act 2 for all the missing content).
There is nowhere to find the Nightmare animatronics, or the endoskeleton, or the dragon, or the MLG master.

I killed the MLG Hat C went to the shop and u could buy large sodas but couldnt buy large pizzas and they were replaced with another large soda if u get what I mean


Swag F*cking Night of Debauchery

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Swag F*cking Night of Debauchery

Swagtrap departs on his swaggiest night, a night so swag and amazing that the universe will EXPLODE, for real through.

Do you have ENOUGH swag? Did you git gud? if not, this isn't the game for you, BUT if you are swag and got gud, THIS IS THE F*CKING GAME FOR YOU!.

This Game contains:

  • Swag

  • More Swag

  • Hot bird ass action

  • Dildo Dragons!

  • Starbeuckz!

  • A f*cking shop!

  • swag

  • MLG Nitemares!


are you ready for swag not freddy m8


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

Well, i guess patching won't stop

I'm going to start working on the Final Mix of the game.


Yet another patch.

The Patching is real.