Comments (8)
me gusta el juego! cuando sale....
Ooooh… Hmm...
When will it be out.
Bienvenidos al nuevo campo de concentraciòn, ¡ahora con animatronicos! eres Ragna, un nuevo guarda de seguridad que esta ahi por la fuerza, y por ser antinazi los animatronicos quieren gasearte y hacerte jabón, asi que... recuerda, sonrie, eres la imagen del regimen nazi. #FNAF
Welcome to the new concentration camp, now with animatronics! You're Ragna, a new security guard that is working there by the force, and for being antinazi the animatronics want's to gas you and make you soap, so... remember, smile, you're the face of the nazis.
Please do not rate until the game is already done, this game is a parody, even it has a nazi donald duck.