Comments (11)
9 year ago
Why Cancelled
where is the first game? i cant find it.
the tipe of model looks like mi model look at my pic
It says "terror" in bold in the description.
Official release date: News Years Day 2016
Demo/Preview release date: Christmas Morning 2015 :)
10 years ago after Penny's Pizza had closed, another team has bought the company. With their money, they decide to build Penny's Horror Museum. They have found old scraps and items from the past building. You are the security guard, survive until 6 AM.
Wait, no. It's not as simple as that. Try to survive as your worst fears try to attack you. Good luck. ;)
3D models by
Special thanks to:
PoniatorFilms - Inspiration
Scrubby teh Lenny lord - Teaching me some things on clickteam through the FR mfas.
FPXF9322 - Making the 1st game that led to this.