Comments (10)
huh so you made a game with the devil in it that's not weird at all and that's doesn't look scary dude
Well Game Looks good LE :)
looks cool
Hey L-effect it's me sethyzilla from the skype calls and this game looks amazing
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Release Date: NOT SOON xD
Uhhh I think there is a scary butt guy who controls 4 dead demons thingy and tries to kill us while we protect a special place..
Scott Cawthon: For giving us permission to make these shippy games
L-Effect: Programming, Making the Animatronic Models and making up a stupid story :D
Limetron & KidduTheMan: Helping me with stuff
BFPFilms424: For letting me use half of his description xD and inspiring me to make a fan game :D
Phone Dude: Probably me and might even ask TheSwollenGamer (look him up on YouTube)
Well I'll be updating my Teasers etc in the Media Section also you guys can Subscribe to my on YouTube, Follow me on Twitter and Twitch
There is "ONLY" juan rule and it is...........THERE ARE NO RULES !!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAA..........no?.................sorry :(