Comments (56)
My gameplay of the night 7: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdQ2w6WtyU4
My gameplay of the Custom Night (Red Jolly's): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rZo5unhLvA8
My gameplay of the nights 5 and 6: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5tgOhF7aIaQ
My gameplay of the nights 1 and 2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vHsrytSqeYA
My gameplay of the nights 3 and 4: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wQVQKCp7T00
Five Nights at Angelito's Remastered (LEGACY VERSION)
Five Nights at Angelito's Remastered (REPROGRAMMED VERSION)
Power out
Press "P" for recharge power and turn on office
There are some bugs in the game
Reprogrammed version 2022
The gameplay will be different.
In the reprogrammed version the bugs are already officially fixed
Framerate will be officially added in settings, you can set it manually
The option to change the graphics will officially be in the settings
When the screen of the security cameras is failing, it will show you a message and saying that "there are problems with the cameras"
You will have a detector in the Maintenance Panel
Fade effect will be available.
And finally, you also run out of energy when using things.
The Team
@NewAngelGamer22GamesDeveloper - Game creator, Reprogrammer
@OlivianBall - Assistant
@SunnyGames_Productions - Mobile Porter
Voice actors
@shror - Phone Guy
@MiloTheSpartan3147 - Angel Fazhuman
@renanthehedgehoggaming9856 - Tubbypo (Male)
@witheredtoynickthehedgehogYT - The Dark
@FuntimeWeb - Music composer