Comments (2)
looks good, hope the best for you! also what is the name of the font you used in main menu screen?
Five Nights At Cubeys - 1 night demo
Five Nights At Cubeys - Before Design Update

Welcome to...
You probably stumbled upon this whilst using discord,
but oh well!
The game is still actively being worked on, and things are being added over time.

After the surge in popularity for kid's diners, cubey decided to cash in on it!
not many people knew that he saved the world before, but in the cube world he was crowned king!
Cubey opened his diner after months of work, but had to go on missions often, and couldn't be there as a sort of "mascot".
So he asked bolly for help!
Bolly worked day and night for about half a year, and he finally produced..
It was a success! a near exact copy of cubey!
Cubey was happy, and hired some staff..but felt like something was missing.
So he brainstormed, and realized..
"I need more mascots!"
So he went back to bolly..
about 2 and a half years later, bolly finished work on the last robot.
Now he had bolly and coney robots!
And they worked fine...
Hexy, the universally famous villian, snuck into the diner, switching and replacing the code in each robot..
But something happened..
Now he needed a job, and no one was willing to hire a supervillian..
But cubey felt bad. So reluctantly, he gave coney the night guard job.
Backed into a financial corner, coney agreed...and the game starts on his first shift.
Cubey and the others are from a series of comics, and games made by me and two other people.
You can find some of said games/animations or wtv on scratch at FnfLover100 or ArtzyIdeas!

Doors & Lights: 100% (hopefully)
Mask: 0%
Custom Night: 0%
Night System: 10%
Menu: 25% (only new game button works)
Loading screen: 100%
Saving & Continue:0%
Settings: 0%
Jumpscares: 80%
AI: roughly 65%
Extras: 0%
Vents: 100%
Art: 80% (new robot coming whenever)
Thats all i can think of.
I hope your looking foward to this as much as i am, because i cant wait for this to be finished. Goodbye!
#fnaf #fangame #horror #pointnclick #action #survival #scifi #puzzle #fnaf #fnaf #strategy #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf