Comments (46)
Friend, the game is very good, congratulations, but have you abandoned it or are you trying to finish it or have you already finished it and I don't know where to find it?
I made a little series of this game: The last video reminded me of why I always avoid RPG Maker games.
Rurr Hello everyone I gave this game a go! Definitely had Resident Evil 2 vibes everywhere, seemed fun - my only complaint was I had no idea how to sleep, unless it was something super simple and I just failed to hit Z on it or something.
Really cool looking game! I wish I had more time to try and survive properly! :) Look forward to see what new games you come up with or when this is complete!
How to make it fullscreen?
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Fleshforward demo: The Survivor
Take control of the undercover cop Seph Garret as he explores the dark city of New Wells. This is the first demo of Fleshforward, an upcoming survival horror/RPG/stealth hybrid
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Fleshforward Demo "Not a Good Girl"
Take control of the young criminal girl Helle Bates as she explores the dark city of New Wells. This is the second demo of Fleshforward, an upcoming survival horror/RPG/stealth hybrid
Prepare to enter again the world of old-school survival horror games with Fleshforward. This first demo explores the beginning of the game and the player can try a lot of features. Action combat, stealth system and a glimpse of the main campaign from the first game made by the Italian indie team Linked Rooms Games!
Life in New Wells has been destroyed by a catastrophic event: something transformed the citizens into violent monsters without control, fierce cannibals devouring each other. Along with a destroyed society, New Wells is now more similar to Hell itself where human life has no more value. Two people are still alive thanks to lucky circumstances and personal skills: Seph Garrett and Hellen Bates are united and divided at the same time. He is an undercover cop, she is a well-known criminal: they are natural enemies, but now they need to cooperate to save their lives. The city is now a deadly labyrinth and death is around the corner.
Hybrid mechanincs stealth/RPG/action
Dark and modern setting
Old school pixel graphics with high quality
Beautiful artworks
Competitive difficulty for expert players
For PC and other upcoming platforms
Team Linked Rooms
Marco "Ally" Camedda - Mapping, Eventing, Scripting, Art director, Game Design
Simone "Macbeth" Granata - Mapping, Storywriting and Game Design
Davide "Mishima" Isimbaldi - Character design, Additiona pixel art
Anthony "Chaucer" Padilla - Core scripting
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling