
FLIGHT: Nymphian Dreamway of Esoteric Yearning Fancy
Having fallen into a sedentary lifestyle after the era of Menagerie where she defeated a nemesis that even the gods feared... Fyori is called upon by her friends of old to pick up the pieces of her declining life and live once again for her own sake. She finds some friends along the way, and even love at the end!
A land of fae and legends ready to be explored and with a comforting vibe that lends itself to a very beautiful psychedelic experience!
Easygoing bullethell combat that somehow still manages to be epic at certain moments.
-Fae and fairy vibes everywhere!
-Gorgeous environments
-Fly around a world of immense beauty and charm.
-Electrifying bullet curtain combat with tech never before seen in my games!
-Endearing flawed characters who you'll love probably immediately!
-Powerups to collect which massively increase your power for a time!
-Optional areas that look pretty and may have some fun little surprises.
WASD = Movement
Spacebar = Interact and use Spellcard/bomb
Left Click = Fire
Right Click = Cancel and Open Menu
F5 = Restart to Ttitle Screen (This does not save your progress.)