
Comments (26)

What do you think?

there is no news for a year..... welp.

i dont think this game is going to apear

i think it's dead

please give us news

when will this come out?

This is a strong remake of original unreleased game. FNAF MIX IV is a new and final game in FNAF MIX series. So there's some features:

  • Back to FNAF 1
    It doesn't matter that game looks like FNAF 1 CR. Trust me, it's absolutely other game with some new mechanics.

  • New story
    This game is about how the common guy tried to find truth. Do you think he succeeded?

  • Ultra Mix
    I want to mix every good fnaf fan game I know. Also there's mine games playing role.

  • Points & shop system
    There's a new rebananced shop system. You can buy toys and other stuff for your office. Those items with scecial ability. Item slots are limited. That means that you won't able to use every item you bought at the same time.

  • Levels & ranks
    You need to earn exp to increase your level. You can buy more powerfull items in the shop if you have high level & rank.

  • Nickname system
    You can choose your nickname in this game. There's some special....
    and banned nicknames.

  • Difficulty System
    You can choose difficulty of the gameplay. There's easy, normal and hard mode.

  • GameJolt API (i'm not sure about it)
    I wanted to let you share info about your level and rank to your friends on GameJolt.
    But it's kinda hard to code... Well I don't know...


  • Main Menu 80%

  • Gameplay 40%

  • Save/load 20%

  • Shop items 40%

  • Shop items functions 10%

  • Story 10%

  • AI 30%


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

Keep calm pls

Don't be lazy and check out every corner. Sometimes there can be something besides trash...

Don't allow them to notice you. They aren't humans, remember?

Something's coming...

What do you think that means? (more updates soon)