
Comments (3)

What do you think?

aaaand... it's ALL OVER THE SCREEN!!!

Oh hey, i remember you from that aethos brain dump song lol.

cook sibottle... cook..

You're doing an investigation at Luigio's Pizza Place. Your job is to survive FIVE nights in the place. Do you think you can avoid [his] wrath?

lore yet to be set


  • Basically Everything ingame: Sibottle

  • Original Game: Necho

Game based on Necho's Five Nights At Angry Luigi's

#strategy #pointnclick #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Really liking this lineup of characters I got here. We got the scary, the menace, and the silly. I also find it really funny that despite them looking completely different from eachother, they're all based off of the same character

making sure that everyone knows that nothing shown is final, NOT EVEN THE THUMBNAIL!