Comments (45)

I might be the first to beat all the CN challenges on every difficulty. I think I've done everything the demo's got to offer.

i think im the first victor of golden freddy very hard, still gotta record it tho
Funtime Freddy and Bon bon are back!
i sat down
i played this game
for 30
only to die
30 seconds from beating night 4
@GreenJerry , there's a major game-breaking bug that I wanted to report. I'm not sure if this is for both the 3 Night Demo and the Custom Night demo, but there's this bug where Bonnet just never leaves the vent, making any preset with Bonnet on impossible, specifically on the Android port. Please, PLEASE fix this.
Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's 3 - PC (Windows)
Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's 3 - Mobile (Android)
Requires Android 5.0 or higher, with OpenGL ES 2.0 support.
The old Freddy Plush's Restaurant estabilshment that was found earlier got rebuilt and will be reopening!
You've been hired as a night guard to check if everything is okay before the reopening.
But will things go as planned?
The events of this game happens after the second game.
8 characters.
An options menu with toggles for:
Fullscreen (Windows only)
Perspective effect
Static effect
Vignette effect
Vibrations (Android only)
An extras menu with:
A character viewer
A jumpscare viewer
A poster viewer
Thank You poster
Selectable difficulties for preset Custom Night challenges.
An endless mode than can be enabled from the Custom Night menu.
Pre-night sequences.
Post-night cutscenes.
Game Jolt API.
Discord Rich Presence (Windows only).
Game entirely in English.