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to play the game all you have to do is to go to sploder.com and search the game title.
ms paint
for ages 13 and up
fnafp1=five nights at firesawdust's its just five nights at firesawdust. this is just a demo guys also i'm working on full game right now and so far i almost done with night 3. to know some information the animatronics can be at multiple places at once.
(night 1 call)hello um hello welcome to firesawdust pizzeria a fun place for kids,teenagers,adults, and elders to have fun. now you the animatronics do move at night but do i have blame them no because if i was to sing,dance, tell storys, burn fire constantly, fix electric wires, or to tell multiple of scary,halloween, or fun storys to adults that complain sometimes for 14 years i would move around at night too. so for this night you only have to worry about autumnwinter now speaking of him, him and the other animatronics can be at multiple places at once i know that sounds stressing but it has something to do with the device from the hit of 87 its crazy that a person can live with a painful punch and kick.also another reason is that there was a bug while the owner of the animatronics and one of the owners of the restaurant were making the animatronics they seem to try to trick or fool you into thinking its safe but hey atleast you have doors and also thats another reason we were hired. now the owner himself tested the animatronic and tried to guard them but 3 years later the animatronics tricked him so he end up having to hire us and more night guards to protect the animatronics and protect yourself. btw there used to be more of the animatronics but a dude in the a straw hat with a mask(you see him on the poster in trailer) tampered with a red suit of firesawdust and malfunction the animatronics. hopefully in the future they will make more. but anyways on later nights beaware of juniortennis7,maiphantomphive,theundead101, and stephenio. those animatronics will trick you. currently i'm on night 3 which on night 2 all of them are active. but anyways be prepared for the other animatronics man that juniortennis7 sure is smart.but anyways hopefully in the future they will make more animatronics and improve on firesawdust because that dude is sneaky and tricky he can teleport and he is worse than juniortennis 7 but on night 2-4 he is the last one to move. so i told you all the information so now on your first night you won't need the right door only the emergency door.oh yea i forgot to mention the animatronics are visible to because we have given you area gargles to make things easier.all right good luck on your first night and i'll see you on the next day and also will give you another message in january alright good night and good luck :).