Comments (13)
looks good
I've been following your project for a while now. And I came to ask if you need a Voice Actor for your project. I would love to participate. I'll leave my Discord here if you need to know more details.
Discord: SherekaBr#7086
jr's from ohio just a joke
концепт арт фредди бомбический
Очень нравится стилистика JR и рад что её используют другие разработчики для своих игр. Желаю удачи с игрой!
yoo can i be a modeler?
This game is an absolute reimagining of the entire fnaf franchise. No more childish stuff, lots of blood, lots of meat, lots of killing, in general total brutality. #fnaf
Game by: @Nikolos_Niks
Director, Writer, and Game Art Director: @Nikolos_Niks
Game Designers: @Nikolos_Niks
Character and Environment Artists: @Nikolos_Niks
, @Follow-14
, @SenixDev
3D Modeling: @Nikolos_Niks
, @Follow-14
, @SenixDev
Programming/Coding: @Nikolos_Niks
Game Visual Supervisor: @Nikolos_Niks
Lead Concept Artist: @Nikolos_Niks
Music Composer: Amireal
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore