
Comments (1)

What do you think?

That mod was totally fantastic! I liked all those colored gems that I have been able to play as. Literally my first time playing this mod! My most favorite song was "Elimination". Man, that song just gave me Scuffle vibes! Great job on the people who helped on the mod as well.

The Friday Night Funkin VS. Gem mod is finally here! Boyfriend and Girlfriend went for a nice vacation, but it looks like this wasn't the 5 star island they were looking for.

Face off with Gem (host of Objects Of Objectland) in a mod full of 6 new songs, and newly animated cutscenes! #fnf

(thumbnail by roman bear!!)

Mild Fantasy Violence

Week 1's OST is getting a revamp.


progress on the second week has begun!!

if you couldn't already tell, yes emerald gem is going to be in week 2.

the sprites are done, and I'm currently working on week 2's first song.

stay tuned, next update will be big.