Comments (7)

Where is the download? I'd love to try it out!
bad mod /j /j
damn bro
Thats not a revival mod! Its an expansion/remix of Vs Sonic.Exe
Owners: Densetsu, Aqua, IL ( if you want to talk discord name: Densetsu#9101)
Musicians: Glitchkkj, symeon, wontom, koimamai, Boybob, Cloudyjolty, jimc, tagami, isaak, becca. IL, sentinel.
Artists: P_Halv, eggmaniac, Mr Hollow, PhantomSDX, .Raph, artur, Aero, Drim, fntyur, Holy Luxury, LUAN, megalovb, Kurvo, Muffin, Retrox, thewinterreaper becca IL, JS8, shidzy, icy_isle.
Charters: Retrox, JuanPotato, belactheperson, Aqua.
Chromatic makers: Machi, Luiskkj, jpleaf.
Coders: CoolManAjf, jpleaf, isaak.
Helper: zege.
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans