Comments (11)
Nice job :) I included it in part 39 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/r_0bNNU5Vpw

I still gave it a go and included it in my video, did I nail it?
Gameplay : Indie VS Gamers!

Well, can't win them all can ya? At the moment there isn't really much to it, but maybe I'll get back to it if you decide to update it.
Still, today I destroyed Uranus and it was the right thing to do!
The earth sprite feels kinda stretched and blurry at the moment, so after the Jam ends, I'd recommend you to get a new one of higher quality (and make sure it's not a JPEG :P). It also clashes a bit with the background and enemy styles. I understand that it's because of being rushed, though.
Would you consider checking my game out to repay the favor? http://gamejolt.com/games/raiden-hakusan/80298
Genius idea. How to save Earth from celestial objects? Move the Earth of course!
This game was late for the #indiesvsgamers game jam by just a few minutes, I have no way to win but I hope that someone likes my game, I'm gonna go cry in a corner now :(
Many scientist shill say that the earth is protected from the apocalypse by some science mumbo jumbo, but we conspiracy theorists know that the earth is protected by an ancient deity... that thinks it's playing a game. Now eventually the game will become too difficult for the deity and we will all die, but that's a different story. Also Uranus is evil and must be destroyed at all costs!
This game is terribly unfinished
To save your score go to earth.love/assets/source/index.html inside the rar file and enter in your details
To run the game download https://love2d.org/ and run the earth.love file with it.