Comments (141)
So... I just finished this game! :D And that means... Time for feedback!
I am big fan of horror games. I played lots of them since NES era. And this game was... Well it was okay. It was more mystery than horror and that is totally fine!!! (mostly because i am weak to jumpscares :D)
Technically it needs more work. I was often stucked in walls and collisions were kinda bad.
Other things were really cool though. Nice voice acting, music and cool story made this game really memorable for me! Even i am not a big fan of FNAF series, your story pretty blended with that theme.
And there was one thing which i liked most. It was something what only game developer can see. I totally feeled that joy and hard work which you put into this project! All in all... I wish i make game like this one day! 5/5
Enjoyed the game. Kind of silly but still fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MKGh38pG_A
Ayyy here's the last part!! Sorry it took so long ha ha. https://youtu.be/WrqX1WjXRJ0 :)
Oops! Forgot to put this here, but here's part 1! :D https://youtu.be/e_j27vw2xqE
This looks like a really cool horror game! I have tried the demo and I can't wait to play it later! :)
Forced to Play - Full Release

Take the role of Andrew Waren who plays a haunted game that his friend gave him. Beat all 3 stages and bosses to complete this monstrosity!

Andrew got a call from a friend saying that he has something to show him. It ended up being a game that his parents gave to him for his birthday. Unfortunately, the game that he got was for a console he didn't own and he couldn't look it up on the internet since the game "doesn't exist". That's why he needed you.

OS: Win XP, 7, 8, Vista, 10
Processor: 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400 GT 1 GB
Storage: 400MB available space
OS: Win XP, 7, 8, Vista, 10
Processor: 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 9600 GT 2 GB
Storage: 400MB available space

VAIN - Friend on phone
InVictus - Skeleton
Eric Skiff - 8-bit Music
FesliyanStudios - Main Menu
Myuu - Credits music, Newspaper
Anatomia De Vanitats - Bonus content
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