Comments (83)
Not bad.
i cant open tthe game for some reason
Gave your game a go....
My playthrough if you're interested. Waiting for Frightened Pixels 2 for sure. I loved this one.
Same as others I had a problem with picking things up, also with opening of doors, closets etc... I don't mind the boxes, from all horror games I know that boxes all over your place means your house is haunted xD But the placing things back on the ground and jumping was a big problem for me, I did eventually ragequit in the basement, where I had spend forever trying to reach the shelf... Here is my let's play if you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPLZwl6PqqY&feature=youtu.be
I actually liked the sounds, but the fact that it's repeting one sequence makes it a bit less scary (I think I've heard the same footsteps, door squeeking and voices on places where they shouldn't have been (like when the doors were too far away)) . I have to ask, what is with the secrets? I didn't understand that, but maybe it was because I didn't manage to turn on any radio..? (I tried, I swear!) Anyway there are things which could make it better, the jumping and picking things up, but otherwise they're just minor things, I think it's a good base!
Frightened Pixels Remastered
This is a remastered edition of our first game ever.
We never attempted to make a game before(now remastered), but we think that it came out very nice.
Remember to rate the game! :)
Graphics are Voxel-like/Pixelated.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/frightenedpixels?fref=ts
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMxcng7UsUw8oQPjSGdnOmw/feed
Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Brief Nudity