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дуже класна гра!!!
Ultimate Custom Evening (60 FPS Version)
A FNAF fangame with 32 selectable enemies. This was made as a project on scratch, but I have now made some finishing touches not possible in vanilla scratch uploaded it here!
(this game was made with Scratch and Penguinmod, the latter being a modification of the former)
Also, some updates will be quicker on Scratch, so small bug fixes/nerfs may be present there but not here.
The Scratch version of the game (only bugfixes/nerfs being made) is linked below:
Scott Cawthon for Five Nights At Freddy's.
Main menu theme taken from Ultimate Custom Night.
Songs for the Extras menu and Void Night by Mudeth and Aden Mayo respectively.
@bsbaboy (on scratch) for voice-acting Skellington Prime Prime.
TOO MANY NIGHTS and others for mechanic ideas. go play it!!!!!!!
#scratch #action #fangame #fnaf (gamejolt i already put fnaf in the tags shut up)