A choice driven RPG where you travel the cosmos as a sentient rat, harness ancient archiac power through all planes of existence, and conquer all universes.
- 50+ hours of funny game.
- 17+ open-world style levels.
- 140+ Combat items (Item based combat)
- RPG characters with actual character development (or the potential to depending on your actions)
- Incredibly ambitious game (It's never going to happen.)
- Thousands of potential choices to make.
- Customisable spaceship!
Show some love if this project interests you, incredibly short demo live right now.
Arrows keys to move - Shift to run - ESC for inv - f5 and f6 for fullscreen options.
#horror #adventure #analog #strategy #puzzle #other #rpg #action #funny #gaming #choices #interactivefiction #rpgmaker #choicesmatter