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Just love how Scott predicted the fact that people would make furry jokes about this

I am sure this game has something to do with the lore
I played the game and noticed that now we know the voices of each character. The weird thing that I found was how Freddy's voice is different than in the trailer... Maybe the one who talks to gregory isn't freddy...
Or maybe that's just Scott
I beat the game on easy mode and nothing unusual happened. (Nevermined I just beat the first level)
1st level summary:
There are a lot of referemces in that level, a Portal reference and FNaC reference...
I wonder where those sisters came from, I mean we have never seen a humanoid animatronic like this... Maybe we'll see some of them in FNaF Security Breach
Here's a post on reddit for more information.
Level 2 summary:
There are animatronics that look like a fusion of Baby from the books and that skin of Baby in FNaF AR.
I also saw Afton (Scraptrap) just lies there.
(That's probably the alley of FFPS)
3rd level summary:
That looks like a part of the mall, there is a "glamrock marionette" who I'm sure who are the marionettes we saw in the trailer, they shock the character we are playing with so maybe it will be a part of the mechanics in security breach.
The vr sisters are still there which makes me think they WILL be in SB.
Clown Springtrap is there and I wonder if that's a reference for Vanny.
Baby is there too, maybe that's actually Scrap baby and in SB William will take controll over her?
There's a place in there that's called "Pizza paradise"... sounds familiar.
4th lever summary:
It looks like the underground of the mall or maybe the place that Vanny builds the huge animatronic because we can see a lot of animatronics parts.
I am starting to think all of the enemies of all the levels are just random and have nothing to do with the lore.
WHY IS BABY IN THE INCUBATOR? WAIT MAYBE THAT'S ELIZABETH Maybe Afton is trying to bring back the souls...? Or maybe he just wants his daughter back...
Ohh there are a lot of incubators behind the parts... Maybe Afton is really trying to bring back souls.
That's pretty suspicious that the most powerful enemy is the marionette, and it shows so much times in the 4th level.
I mean Scott was never that obvious XD
Maybe Vanny needs Gregory to be in the Last incubator like in Undertale, the level is also underground so...
Maybe Gregory will be in the last incubator and Afton won't need the animatronics anymore because He is back to like (As that huge animatronic) so all the animatronics attack him.
Most of the theories I write here are probably not true XD
In the ending the animatronics thought this is a distraction... Maybe that's a hint like that sentence in the trailer "There is more going on here than you relaize"...
@FusionZGamer uploaded a secret ending and a secret level!, thanks!
In the secret level the animatronics are in a space station, that I think is not related to SB, one of the screens in there says: Monty's... Planets? The whole game is shaky and I can't read...
I think I can see the stage camera from FNaF 1 in one of the screens...
I can also see Mangle's camera from FNaF 2
And Baby's blueprint
The Marionette's still the main enemy.
There's a huge snake animatronic as the boss.
...and in its brain there are so many things that are related to the books or FNaF 4
Dawko posted a video about the hard mode
Freddy in a space, but not in space.