Comments (3)
Really nice! I will happy to see what will be in the future! :)
Futuria is a graphics demo I'm working on that eventually will turn into a game. I will be working on a trailer this month as gameplay begins to shape up.
Description Futuria is a side-scrolling adventure exploration game where you navigate around a large city that pulls you right in with its visuals and things witnessed as you move around its vast and complex landscape. Creating an immersive world is the main challenge of this project, however all elements need to work together in order to create a good gaming experience.
What is it like? The depth of immersive visual environment wouldn't amount to much without Futuria's often emotional piano soundtrack. At its core Futuria is an environment exploration game with elements of adventure. The player is caught in an intriguing storyline where he (or she) has to make choices to progress the plot.
JavaScript demo It is available at www.tigrisgames.com - this is an early stage JavaScript demo of the game. Click on the long blue button on the site to launch it in your browser. So far it is just a simple run-around graphics test.