
Comments (13)

What do you think?

The boss fights were pretty challenging, and cool soundtracks! Nice work! :)))

Neat, challenging game! I included it in my GDC Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)


Wow, that was as difficult as it was great, which is... very much! But yeah, very good work! Have my vote!

Very cool concept and nice game!

Voted it on the Game Jolt GDC Jam, it would be great if you'd like to try our game as well! :)

Cool mechanic, but definitely tough. A lot like And Yet it Moves. Can you beat the big boss that shoots the lasers at you?

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

G and Gina are friends, but G love's gina, she doesnt know it, the evil mask guy wants to destroy Gina and use his hearth for destroy the world. G must rescue Gina or shes dead, use your gravity power to avoid obstacles and defeat bosses.

Now you are not G, you become G-Hero..


Use key arrows for move, use Space for jump, press A and D button for change the gravity, hold LEFT-SHIFT to run!"only in 2.0"...


Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

TimeAttack = Most Adictive insane platformer!!