Comments (28)
Awesome game!
Absolutely excellent asteroids type game. Asteroids deluxe is probably one of the greatest games ever and this game uses the same mechanics (and then adds some more) to produce a truly good blaster.
My one gripe minor is the controls. Personally I find it hard to hit the shield (left shift key, by the way I use the classic form of control) while in the thick of combat. The back arrow would be better or you could just make it so that all the keys are definable.
Anyway... When all is said and done... This is a GREAT GAME and I HIGHLY recommend it.
I honestly think that this is your best game yet. It reminds me of a faster paced Bosconanian, which is good! However, do you have gamepad support? I haven't actually tested it yet, but I think it would help.
Hey man, I've commented on this game before but you've done a really awesome job here. I decided to leave a video review detailing my thoughts on it. Also, I mention music in the video, if you'd like me to develop you a couple of simple tunes I'd be more than happy to contribute. https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=HMEjWBcoScY
Galaxy rebel force 1.3.0

Malignic, the evil robotic creature is conquering the entire galaxy. People had organized the rebel force and resited to malignic, but unfortuntely all of them had been kinapted except the one pilot. This miserable pilot now have to resque all of his friends and defeat the malignic. Will he success his mission and save the galaxy ?

Galaxy rebel force is a multi-directional arcade shooter which highly inspired by asteroids and sinistar. With the help of unlimited shield, powerful charge shots, and special weapons, you must eliminate every enemies on the screen and proceed to the next level.

Seamlessly looping screen which allows you to move anywhere.
Frantic, fast phased gameplay.
Generous health system and unlimited shield for novice players.
Campaigh mode - 6 challenging areas and bosses.
Arcade mode - Simple, quick enjoyment with online scoreboard.

Arrows : move
Z : Thrust
X : shoot
Space bar : special weapon
Shift : shield
Enter : Pause/select
The game also provides mouse controls
If you have any suggestions about the game, feel free to contact me. Thank you !