Comments (3)
Nice one (I loved that it's turn based), but lacks some basics (like end screen with score, auto selling all gems in the last day) and some features (like special abilities). It has potential, I recommend working on it a bit more :)
Nice one (I loved that it's turn based), but lacks some basics (like end screen with score, auto selling all gems in the last day) and some features (like special abilities). It has potential, I recommend working on it a bit more :)
I find this game really addicting for some reason; but it could use a few improvements. Mainly one being an actual "game over" or "you win" screen at the end. A small touch, really, but it would certainly add a sense of completeness to the game to know that I am at least either being rewarded for a success or that I failed and need to try again. I would also like to suggest another game mode; arcade/puzzle perhaps? In this game you would start at level one and have a certain amount of days/turns before reaching the next level. I would think each level would have a set goal of income you need to reach before advancing to the next level; fail before reaching that goal and it's game over. This is merely a suggestion but I hope you do take it in to consideration!
Gem Trader
Due to several bad business ventures the bank has given you an ultimatum.
Repay your debt of $10.000 dollars within 20 days or we'll take your house.
Luckily your expertise in gemstones should
help you raise the money and perhaps a surplus.
Good luck!