
Comments (4)

What do you think?

New version up Alpha 2, and also fixed all the problems suggested here. And added the multi towers and things..

Awesome! I will add some of these ideas and also fix that stacking problem for sure (I never noticed) Thanks! =)

The idea is nice but as you say there are still a lot of things to add:

  • A system that allows you to choose the target (first or last) would be nice.

  • You should put that when you press a number the other selected numbers go away, if you press 1, 2 and 3 the towers "accumulate".

  • Maybe balance the green color (although without upgrades its normal it is like this)

  • Maybe put multicolored enemies...

Regards and great work

A Tower Defense game in working progress..

ReadMe is included for instructions to play. And also some other information and goodies for GM users..

As said, this is an Alpha version, but its still playable and some fun.

The only big things it lacks is an Upgrade system, more levels..

For now there are 3 towers and 3 enemies (it gets really really REALLY hard)

(sadly there is no end game session) YET!

If things go well, I should have a new version up pretty quick, as most of the major dev is done. If you want to see something or have a suggestion, just let me know.

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!