
Source Code (Accessibility Patch | Made in Godot 3.4)
Source Code (Original Version | Made in Godot 3.3)
Web version
Android/Linux/Windows version
Mac OS X High-Res version
Mac OS X Low-Res version
(originally published on itch)
Made for GoGodotJam (2021). Theme: Growth
One Tree grows faster than the rest. If the Aliens land, it'll slow its growth back to normal. How much can you keep the tree growing?
age rating
Tree Invaders is rated ages 6 and up by sosasees
using DARS v2023
mild cartoon violence
Full Desktop controls
[Esc] / [P] / [Backspace] / [Pause] :
Pause / Resume
[Spacebar] / [Return] / [Numpad 0] / [Enter] / [1st Mouse Button] :
Shoot Laser
[R] / [Middle Mouse Button] :
Restart after Game Over
[H] Show / Hide Mouse Pointer
[F] / [F11] Fullscreen
Accessibility Patch
Strategy Guide
This game might be easier to play with a Touchscreen because it's likely that you can move your finger much faster than you could a mouse cursor. Try both to see how high a score you can get.
Every Laser Shot costs 1 point.
If you hit an alien, you get a variable amount of points. Every second you get 0.01 points for the growth of the tree.
If you are fast enough, you can swipe immediately after clicking to hit more targets with just One shot, gaining more points.
Compatibility Disclaimers
For Desktop users
This game is only tested on Android, HTML, and Linux 64-Bit, because:
I developed the game on my 64-Bit Linux computer,
I don't have an iMac,
Windows was not a priority during development in interest of saving time,
and I also don't have a 32-Bit Linux computer.
The rest of the builds (that aren't the Android or Linux 64-Bit version) might be buggy as a result. But they're still available downloads because in my opinion it's much better to still publish the other builds in case they Might work, rather than not publishing them because i'm not sure if they Will work.
For Phone users
The web version can't detect that you're playing on a phone instead of a computer. This means that the useless keyboard prompts don't get removed — this issue is not in the native Android version.