
Comments (9)

What do you think?

You having these uploaded really made me realize how bad i was at making ports, why did i use to delete the static?



Playtime With percy android port pls


One Night At Chica's: Legacy

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
Forgot to add this one, there isn't that many bugs in the game except for the minigame running very slowly.

Five Nights at Bonnie's: Legacy (Demo 1)

Version: 0.1.0about 1 month ago
First 1 night demo, no bugs asides from Bonnie not being able to kill you.

Five Nights at Bonnie's: Legacy (Demo 2)

Version: 0.1.0about 1 month ago
Second 1 night demo, adds a phone call and an updated title screen, Bonnie is still unable to kill you and the camera button and fan textures are messed up for some reason.

One Withered Night At Freddy's Remastered

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
This was V1 of the android port and the only version I could find, this game is unbeatable due to a bugged kill timer.

One Night At Funtime Factory Remastered

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
This is V1 of the android port. I sadly lost the download file to V2, there isn't really that many bugs though.

Five Nights At Bonnie's Remake

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
This was V1 and the only version I could find. This is the most buggiest port out of all of them, Bonnie & G.Freddy don't move at all and Freddy & Foxy are invisible on the cameras and the office.

Five Nights At Bonnie's Remake Major Update (Outdated Version)

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago
This version of the update has major differences compared to the current version, the jumpscare animations are different, the extras renders are different, the extras actually has different music, and the shock animation is different, there is also a bug where it skips to Night 3 after completing Night 1.

Five Nights At Bonnie's 2 Remake

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
There is only 1 bug in this port which is that the Extras are broken and causes the game to crash.

Five Nights At Bonnie's 3 Remake

Version: 1.0.2almost 2 years ago
There honestly aren't any bugs in this port other than the sign in not working, that's pretty much it.

Five Nights At Berry's Chapter 1

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
There is only 1 bug in this game too, which is the Jammer button not working when there are 2 characters in the office at the same time.

Five Nights At Berry's Chapter 2 Demo

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
This port is slightly buggy, spamming the flashlight can cause it to stop working, and spamming the camera button can cause the render of the camera your on to appear in the office.


Version: 0.1.0over 1 year ago
V1 of AFD I believe, due to this originally being unfinished, there are some bugs like the camera getting stuck if you spam it and the night not ending when it's 6 am.


Version: 0.1.0over 1 year ago
V2 of AFD I believe, there are some bugs like Freddy's night leading to Bonnie's rare screen and the credits being blank.

A Golden Past Chapter 2

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
There aren't any bugs in the game, if you experience lag, turn off effects, if there are audio errors, thats just your device.

(Reuploading this page due to it being the most popular one along with the Bonnie's Classic Collection.)

This is a reupload of the legacy android ports of games by GhostGamesX, since besides the pc versions, were never reuploaded so I thought I'd do it, this will also contain games that GhostGamesX was a secondary creator of, some ports may be buggy but theres nothing I can do about it, so have fun.

Note: Please be aware that I am not claiming any of these ports as my own, I do not own any of the games in this collection and they belong to their respective owners, also, GhostGamesX is completely okay with this, so please don't report it.

Original games by: @GhostGamesX

A Golden Past Chapter 2 also by: @fredinator

Abandoned Fazbear's Diner also by: @DaRadsla

#fangame #fnaf

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Added the old Bonnie's 1 demos

So, I found a video that contains the only gameplay footage of "V2" for the Bonnie's 1 Remake port

I love how nobody questions how the front office door in OWNAF R & Bonnie's 1 Remake just leads into an endless void

Oh hi
