Comments (7)
Not a bad start! The pixel art is really nice and it always felt like I was making progress, but there were some issues with feel and fairness. The weapons don't feel all that great, more like I'm shaking a stick at something and hoping it dies, I think a lot of it has to do with the animations and lack of sound (I know that's a wip). And the enemies with ranged attacks have little to no tell on them, particularly the skeleton archers, the slimes were perfect but having a fast projectile with no audio or visual tell along with the lack of defensive options felt like the game was just knocking down my hp for playing. It's a solid start and my feedback is a lot more detailed in the video!
This looks really cool. Would be great if we could follow the development on Game Jolt as well (instead of just Twitter).
Awesome game
Game looks quite promising. I'm a professional composer and would love to work on this for you if you're in need of any music/SFX.
Glyphs of Eldamir Demo
Glyphs of Eldamir is an upcoming retro dungeon crawler roguelite.
Try the demo, then pre-order to unlock Early Access if you enjoyed it and would like the full game in the future!
NOTE: Early Access is currently scheduled to begin in Q2 of 2020. As of now, the files labeled Early Access contain the original Kickstarter demo. To play the most up-to-date demo, please download the public demo as well. By pre-ordering today, you are supporting the ongoing development of the game and will receive your name in the credits as a bonus -- not to mention the 47% savings off the estimated launch price of $15.
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Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed