
Comments (4)

What do you think?

The good

  • The game is beautiful, and the music gives the game a great. atmosphere.

The bad

  • I can NOT find out what it is the game is about, besides "bring new life two this world". I know that I can move around with some totems, and I know that there is a relationship between the two types of totems, but exactly what I'm supposed to do is very unclear. Oddly enough, I did manage to win the game, without quite knowing why.

It may sound like I hate your game, but I do not. I just want to know how to play your game.



Version: 0.2.0about 9 years ago

There was a land of ruin, without any sight of light, no life, no hope. However the two magic totems of light & heat might bring new life to this world. Carefully relocate the totems and generate more to grow vegetation, and be careful, the totems may not work well without careful arrangement.
This is a non-commercial student project. The soundtrack copyright belonges to ScenicVideos(

To every video game lover,
I appreciate each one of you who had viewed this page or played this game, and I understand there are a lot to be improved, that's why I show it to you guys. And please do me a favour, leave some comments below so that I would make it better.

The 0.2.0 update is a showcase of contemporary improvement, so basically it is not so completed or playable. The next update with playable functions will be in next month.
Thanks you guys so much for supporting me.

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